Research Article

“In Silico” Characterization of 3-Phytase A and 3-Phytase B from Aspergillus niger

Table 2

Hydrophobicity score in the two reported and revised phytases from A. niger (ProtScale). Minimum and maximum values of accessibility in the two reported and revised phytases of A. niger (ProtScale).

Physicochemical property3-Phytase A (444 residues)3-Phytase B (460 residues)
Residue positionScoreResidue positionScore

HydrophobicityAla164−2.300 (min.)Glu65−2.633 (min.)
Ile3452.722 (max.)Leu3293.089 (max.)
Leu3462.722 (max.)

Residue positionValueResidue positionValue

AccessibilityGlu3873.633 (min.)Gln564.089 (min.)
Gly698.467 (max.)Ser717.389 (max.)