Review Article

Wound Healing and the Use of Medicinal Plants

Figure 2

Nonhealing/chronic wounds—humans. The orderly sequence of overlapping, interacting wound healing processes fails to progress in chronic wounds, frequently due to failure to resolve inflammation. (1) Coagulation: usually unaffected. (2) Inflammation: damage-associated molecular patterns, free radicals, and reactive molecular species; high pH; functional activation of proteases, senescence of keratinocytes, and fibroblasts (vessel permeability sustained-aetiology specific). (3) Proliferation/migration: initiation of de novo granulation tissue formation; failure to sustain proliferation; failure to initiate angiogenesis; failure of keratinocytes to migrate and reepithelialise (failure of wound closure); failure to resolve inflammation; and failure to accumulate ECM. (4) Remodelling/maturation: fails to initiate reorganisation and maturation of ECM.