Research Article

Toxicity, Phytochemical Composition, and Enzyme Inhibitory Activities of Some Indigenous Weed Plant Extracts in Fruit Fly, Drosophila melanogaster

Figure 2

Full FTIR spectrum of Chenopodium murale. The spectrum shows a range of 4000 to 400 cm−1 wave number (along -axis) and the function of % transmittance (along -axis). Following peaks were observed: 1027.90 cm−1 aromatic in-plane C-H bending, 1622.62 cm−1 carbonyl (C=O) group, 2916.16 cm−1 asymmetric CH2 stretching, and 3363.66 cm−1 O-H stretching. It reveals the presence of phenolics compounds having carboxylic acids.