Research Article

The Effects of Aromatherapy on Intensive Care Unit Patients’ Stress and Sleep Quality: A Nonrandomised Controlled Trial

Table 1

Homogeneity test of baseline for participants ().

CharacteristicsCategoryExp. ()Cont. () or
(%) (%)

SexMale17 (56.7%)15 (50.0%)0.268.605
Female13 (43.3%)15 (50.0%)
Age59.50 ± 9.1061.53 ± 8.800.880.383
Hospital admissionNo11 (36.7%)7 (23.3%)1.270.260
Yes19 (63.3%)23 (76.7%)
ICU admissionNo24 (80.0%)22 (73.3%)0.373.542
Yes6 (20.0%)8 (26.7%)
Diagnosis (problem)Internal medicine23 (76.6%)23 (76.6%)0.0001.000
Surgery7 (23.4%)7 (23.4%)
Group 420 (66.6%)19 (63.4%)0.266.791
Group 510 (33.4%)11 (36.6%)
NPONo13 (43.3%)9 (30.0%)1.148.284
Yes17 (56.7%)21 (70.0%)
IV routePeripheral route23 (76.7%)20 (66.7%)0.739.390
Central route7 (23.3%)10 (33.3%)
Cannula state1 cannula27 (90.0%)23 (77.6%)1.385.172
2 or more cannulas3 (10.0%)7 (13.4%)
Perceived stress ()8.10 ± 1.616.27 ± 1.70<.001
Stress index ()7.73 ± 1.786.17 ± 3.11.020
BP ()SBP134.60 ± 16.91137.87 ± 20.820.667.507
DBP82.00 ± 21.2375.67 ± 13.65.175
HR ()92.20 ± 19.5392.07 ± 20.95.980
Quality of sleep ()65.13 ± 5.7064.03 ± 7.84.536

: Workload Management System for Critical Care Nurses; Group 4: intensive care group; Group 5: continuous care group.