Research Article

Effects of Low Level Laser Therapy on Ovalbumin-Induced Mouse Model of Allergic Rhinitis

Figure 4

The IL-4 expression in mice spleen and EL-4 cells. (a) Protein expression levels of IL-4 in mouse spleen. The representative bands of IL-4 from electrophoresed gel were shown. N: normal group (no stimulation), C: control group (stimulation by ovalbumin without irradiation), L: low dose irradiation on control group (30 mW/320 s), and H: high dose irradiation on control group (30 mW/640 s). # versus the normal group. ## versus the normal group. * versus the control group. (b) mRNA levels of IL-4 in EL-4 cells. The representative bands of IL-4 from electrophoresed gel after RT-PCR reaction. Normal: no stimulation; control: stimulation by PMA. # versus the normal group. * versus the control group.