Review Article

A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Efficacy, Cost-Effectiveness, and Safety of Selected Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Neck and Low-Back Pain

Table 7

Summary of findings of mobilization for neck pain (only pain and functional outcomes).

Duration and cause of painOutcomesGRADE*Findings

Mobilization versus no treatment

Acute/subacute or unknown (specific, nonspecific)NAInsufficient
No trial

Chronic specificNAInsufficient
No trial

Chronic nonspecificPain intensity score (VAS)Low
Design: RCT
ROB: Medium
Consistency: NA (only 1 trial)
Directness: yes
In one trial [135], mobilization was significantly better than “no treatment” group immediately after treatment ( ); the mean VAS score decrease in mobilization group was from to  mm. Corresponding numerical data for “no treatment” group was not reported.

Mixed specificNAInsufficient
No trial

Mixed nonspecificPain intensity score (VAS)Low
Design: RCT
ROB: High
Consistency: NA (only 1 trial)
Directness: yes
In one study [136], the use of bone-setting resulted in a significantly greater mean VAS reduction compared to “no treatment” immediately (18.5, 95% CI: 12.0, 25.1 versus 4.0, 95% CI: −3.1, 11.1; ), short- (21.2, 95% CI: 12.7, 29.7 versus 6.2, 95% CI: −1.4, 13.8; ), and intermediate-term (22.9, 95% CI: 13.1, 32.7 versus 5.4, 95% CI: −1.9, 12.8; ) after treatment; the between-group difference was not significant (14.2, 95% CI: 5.3, 23.1 versus 5.5, 95% CI: −4.9, 15.5; ) at long-term followup (1 year posttreatment).
Similarly, the proportion of improved subjects (> 50% on VAS) in bone setting group was significantly greater compared to “no treatment” group immediately ( ) and intermediate-term ( ) after treatment. This difference was not statistically significant after one year ( ).

Mobilization versus placebo

Acute/subacute specificNAInsufficient
No trial

Acute/subacute nonspecificPain intensity score (VAS)Low
Design: RCT
ROB: Medium
Consistency: NA (only 1 trial)
Directness: yes
In one trial [114], mobilization was significantly (numerical data not reported; ) better than placebo (hand placement without any pressure or tension).

Chronic specificNAInsufficient
No trial

Chronic nonspecificPain intensity score (VAS)Low
Design: RCT
ROB: Medium
Consistency: NA (only 1 trial)
Directness: yes
In one trial [135], mobilization was not significantly ( ) different from placebo (hand placement without movement of vertebral segment). The mean VAS score decrease in mobilization group was from to  mm. Corresponding numerical data for placebo group was not reported.

Mixed or unknown (specific, nonspecific)NAInsufficient
No trial

Mobilization versus pain medication

Acute/subacute, chronic, mixed, or unknown (specific, nonspecific)NAInsufficient
No trial

Mobilization versus Massage

Acute/subacute, mixed, or unknown (specific, nonspecific)NAInsufficient
No trial

Chronic specificNAInsufficient
No trial

Chronic nonspecificPain intensity score (VAS)Low
Design: RCT
ROB: Medium
Consistency: NA (only 1 trial)
Directness: yes
In one trial [137], bone setting was significantly better than massage at intermediate-term after treatment (mean VAS score: versus , ).
Disability score (NDI)Low
Design: RCT
ROB: Medium
Consistency: NA (only 1 trial)
Directness: yes
In one trial [137], bone setting was significantly better than massage at intermediate-term after treatment (mean NDI score: versus , ).

Mobilization versus manipulation (see Table 5 for manipulation for neck pain)

Mobilization versus usual care

Acute/subacute, chronic or unknown (specific, nonspecific)NAInsufficient
No trial

Mixed specificNAInsufficient
No trial

Mixed nonspecificPain intensity score (VAS)Low
Design: RCT
ROB: High
Consistency: NA (only 1 trial)
Directness: yes
In one trial [138], spinal mobilization was not significantly different from usual care (counseling and advice on staying active, role of psychosocial factors, self-care such as heat application, home exercises, and ergonomic advice) at intermediate-term posttreatment followup (between-group difference in mean VAS score reduction: 0.5, 95% CI: −0.4, 1.3).
Disability score (NDI)Low
Design: RCT
ROB: High
Consistency: NA (only 1 trial)
Directness: yes
In one trial [138] spinal mobilization was not significantly different from usual care (counseling and advice on staying active, role of psychosocial factors, self-care such as heat application, home exercises, and ergonomic advice) at intermediate-term posttreatment followup (between-group difference in mean NDI score reduction: −0.02, 95% CI: −2.3, 2.3).

Mobilization versus physiotherapy

Acute/subacute or unknown (specific, nonspecific)NAInsufficient
No trial

Chronic specificNAInsufficient
No trial

Chronic nonspecificPain intensity score (VAS)Low
Design: RCT
ROB: Medium
Consistency: NA (only 1 trial)
Directness: yes
In one trial, [137] bone setting was significantly better than physiotherapy (massage, therapeutic stretching, and exercise therapy) at intermediate-term after treatment (mean VAS score: versus , ).
Disability score (NDI)Low
Design: RCT
ROB: Medium
Consistency: NA (only 1 trial)
Directness: yes
In one trial, [137] bone setting was significantly better than physiotherapy (massage, therapeutic stretching, and exercise therapy) at intermediate-term after treatment (mean NDI score: versus , ).

Mixed specificNAInsufficient
No trial

Mixed nonspecificPain intensity score (VAS)Low
Design: RCT
ROB: High
Consistency: NA (only 1 trial)
Directness: yes
In one trial [138] spinal mobilization was significantly better than physiotherapy (including specific exercises) at intermediate-term posttreatment followup (between-group difference in mean VAS score reduction: 1.0, 95% CI: 0.1, 1.9).
Disability score (NDI)Low
Design: RCT
ROB: High
Consistency: NA (only 1 trial)
Directness: yes
In one trial [138] spinal mobilization was not significantly different physiotherapy at intermediate-term posttreatment followup (between-group difference in mean NDI score reduction: 1.1, 95% CI: −1.3, 3.4).

Mobilization versus exercise

Acute/subacute, chronic, mixed, or unknown (specific, nonspecific)NAInsufficient
No trial

Mobilization versus acupuncture

Acute/subacute, chronic, mixed, or unknown (specific, nonspecific)NAInsufficient
No trial

*Precision in formal grading was applied only to pooled results.
VAS: visual analog scale; RMDQ: Roland-Morris disability scale; NHP: Nottingham health profile; MPQ: McGill pain questionnaire; PDI: pain disability index; NPQ: neck pain questionnaire; SF-PQ: short form pain questionnaire; PRI: pain rating index; PPI: present pain intensity; NA: not applicable; NDI: neck disability index; IQR: interquartile range.