Research Article

Effects of Tai Chi versus Proprioception Exercise Program on Neuromuscular Function of the Ankle in Elderly People: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Table 1

Baseline values for the 3 groups.

VariableTC ( )PE ( )Control group ( )

Age (y) 0.663#
Body weight (kg) 0.252#
Height (cm) 0.528#

JPS test (°)
 Left ankle 0.431#
 Right ankle 0.785#
PT (Nm): concentric, 30°/s
 Left plantar flexion 0.934#
 Right plantar flexion 0.729#
 Left dorsiflexion 0.975#
 Right dorsiflexion 0.630#
PT/weight (Nm/kg): concentric, 30°/s
 Left plantar flexion 0.978#
 Right plantar flexion 0.534#
 Left dorsiflexion 0.782#
 Right dorsiflexion 0.467#

Data reported as mean ± SD.
*Chi-square test.
#One-way analysis of variance.
TC: tai chi; PE: proprioception exercise; JPS: joint position sense; PT: peak torque.