Research Article

Suan Zao Ren Tang as an Original Treatment for Sleep Difficulty in Climacteric Women: A Prospective Clinical Observation

Table 3

Major variables of the measurements between weeks 1 and 4 and baseline are summarized as mean difference with a 95% confidence interval.

Variable definitionBaselineWeek 1Paired -TestWeek 4Paired -Test
mean (SD)mean (SD)mean difference
(95% CI)
mean (SD)mean difference
(95% CI)

Pittsburg sleep quality index13.0 (2.9)11.0 (3.4)(−2.86, −1.26) ** *9.0 (3.2)(−4.93, −3.10) ** *
 Subjective sleep quality2.4 (0.5)1.9 (0.6)(−0.62, −0.27) ** *1.5 (0.7)(−1.10, −0.69) ** *
 Sleep latency2.4 (0.8)2.1 (0.9)(−0.44, −0.04)*1.8 (1.0)(−0.86, −0.36) ** *
 Sleep duration2.4 (0.8)2.1 (0.8)(−0.44, −0.07)**1.8 (0.8)(−0.77, −0.36) ** *
 Habitual sleep efficiency1.8 (1.1)1.4 (1.1)(−0.67, −0.16)**1.1 (1.1)(−1.04, −0.49) ** *
 Sleep disturbances1.6 (0.6)1.6 (1.3)(−0.27, 0.39)1.4 (0.6)(−0.39, −0.03)*
 Daytime dysfunction1.5 (1.0)1.1 (0.9)(−0.67, −0.22) ** *0.9 (0.8)(−0.88, −0.34) ** *
 Physiological domain12.3 (2.0)13.0 (1.9)(0.29, 1.05) ** *13.5 (2.3)(0.64, 1.63) ** *
 Psychological domain11.4 (2.3)11.7 (2.6)(0.00, 0.78)11.9 (2.6)(0.02, 0.96)*
 Social domain12.9 (2.0)13.0 (2.1)(−0.36, 0.48)12.8 (2.5)(−0.70, 0.43)
 Environment domain13.5 (2.1)13.6 (2.2)(−0.22, 0.42)13.6 (2.5)(−0.42, 0.59)
FSH (mIU/mL)51.2 (26.2)51.9 (28.5)(−4.40, 4.29)
LH (mIU/mL)29.3 (14.9)30.3 (15.9)(−1.32, 3.31)

Abbreviation: WHOQOL-BREF: the World Health Organization’s quality of life instrument—short version; CI: confidence interval; FSH: follicle-stimulating hormone; LH: luteinizing hormone.
* by paired -test compared with baseline;  ** by paired -test compared with baseline;  ** * by paired -test compared with baseline.