Research Article

Black Tea and Theaflavins Assist Healing of Indomethacin-Induced Gastric Ulceration in Mice by Antioxidative Action

Table 1

Dose and day-dependent healing capacities of BT and TF against indomethacin-induced stomach ulceration in

GroupDrug dose (mg/kg)Period of treatment (days)Macroscopic damage scores MDS reduction

3rd day-ulcerated untreated 0
5th day-ulcerated untreated
7th day-ulcerated untreated
BT-treated103 22.13
BT-treated203 44.25
BT-treated303 56.64
BT-treated403 74.05
BT-treated503 75.52
BT-treated407 83.78
TF-treated0.53 66.96
TF-treated13 76.4
TF-treated2.53 78.17
TF-treated43 82.3
TF-treated53 84.36
TF-treated17 86.44

Stomach ulceration in mice was induced by oral administration of indomethacin (18 mg/kg). Different doses of BT and TF were used for these experiments. The MDS were measured on the 3rd, 5th, and 7th day after indomethacin administration and the values are mean   S.E.M of three independent experiments, each with 5 mice/group. Considering a MDS value of 100 for the 3rd day untreated mice. , , compared to ulcerated mice; compared to BT (30 mg/kg) treatment; compared to TF (0.5 mg/kg) treatment.