Research Article

Depression among Adolescents of Rural Nepal: A Community-Based Study

Table 3

Educational characteristics of the respondents ().

Characteristics (%)

 11209 (56.3)
 12162 (43.7)
Type of school
 Public183 (49.3)
 Private188 (50.7)
Faculty of the respondent
 Science112 (30.2)
 Management147 (39.6)
 Education112 (30.2)
Reason for selecting the currently studying faculty
 Own decision299 (80.6)
 Others72 (19.4)
Achievement in last exam ()
 Passed290 (78.1)
 Fail81 (21.9)
Satisfied with academic performance
 Yes236 (36.4)
 No135 (63.6)

Includes failing to qualify in other faculty, family pressure, and friends pressure.