Research Article

Differential Expression of Claudin 1 and 4 in Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Skin

Table 1

Localization of claudin 1- and claudin 4-positive cells in normal skin and basal cell carcinoma.

Normal skinBasal cell carcinoma
LocationIntracellular distributionLocationIntracellular distribution

Claudin 1
Epidermis, basal to granular cell layer (staining intensity is strongest in pickle cell layer)MembraneMajority of neoplastic cells (staining intensity is attenuated in the central area of tumour nests)Membrane and cytoplasm
Myoepithelial cell of sweat glandMembrane and cytoplasm
Sebaceous cell of sebaceous glandMembrane
Hair follicleMembrane

Claudin 4
Epidermis, granular layerCytoplasmNeoplastic cells showing glandular or adenoid cystic structure, sebaceous or keratinizing in the central area of tumour nestsMembrane and cytoplasm
Myoepithelial cell of sweat glandMembrane and cytoplasm
Sebaceous cell of sebaceous glandMembrane
Hair follicleMembrane and cytoplasm

inner root sheath of hair follicle and small population of pickle layer showed positivity in cytoplasm along with membrane.