Research Article

Outcomes of a Foldable Capsular Vitreous Body Implantation: A Retrospective Study

Figure 1

Surgical FCVB implantation. (1) A three-channel incision was made in the supranasal, supratemporal, and inferotemporal regions posterior to corneoscleral margin. (2) An L-shaped scleral incision of approximately 4 mm was made 5 mm posterior to the corneal limbus. (3) FCVB was folded and implanted into the eyeball cavity through the incision with a push injector, and the lens surface of the capsule was placed facing the lens. (4) SO was slowly injected into the capsule through the drainage valve with a syringe until the IOP was moderate. (5) The scleral incision was sutured, and the drainage tube was ligated and fixed in the sclera. (6) Contrapuntal suture of conjunctiva was performed.