Research Article

Plasma Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor as a Biomarker for the Main Types of Mild Neurocognitive Disorders and Treatment Efficacy: A Preliminary Study

Table 3

Spearman’s/Pearson’s correlations between clinical, demographic, and cognitive variables and plasma BDNF concentrations in MNCD-AD and ScVMNCD groups.

Clinical variablesSpearman’s/Pearson’s correlation coefficient
MNCD-AD groupScVMNCD group

MMSE, total score0.490.18
Delayed recall, TIME test0.720.41
Clock drawing test, part I, score0.210.21
Verbal fluency, number of words0.320.09
Kinetic apraxia, Luria’s tests, score−0.16−0.35
Visuospatial apraxia, Luria’s tests, score−0.34−0.33
NPI, total score−0.22−0.12
NPI, the severity of depression, score−0.17−0.22
BADL, score−0.58−0.25

< 0.05.