Research Article

Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes Associated with Prognosis of B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Figure 2

Log-Rank Survival Test. The comparison between survival curves according to specific cutoff values for genes differentially expressed in relapse/death versus event-free cases is showed without classification for (a) FLT3 time 1, (b) IL2RA time 1, (c) FLT3 time 2, (d) FLT3 time 3, and (e) DEFA1 time 3, respectively. Considering B-ALL subgroups, figure shows in children (f) IL2RA time 1 and (g) FLT3 time 2, respectively, and in adults (h) FLT3 time 3 and (i) SORT1 time 3. In mild risk (j) FLT3 time 2 and finally survival curve for (k) DEFA1 time 3 in high risk subgroup, respectively.