Research Article

A New Adaptive Hungarian Mating Scheme in Genetic Algorithms

Table 6

Comparison of results on two test problems.

Problem instance Our method Galán et al. [8] Ishibuchi and Shibata [13]
Avg Std Avg Std -test value Avg Std -test value

berlin529.02e33.09e29.27e33.32e2+1.6e − 599.24e33.38e2+4.4e − 45
kroA1003.51e41.48e33.81e41.60e3+3.5e − 2283.77e41.41e3+9.2e − 213
bier1271.87e56.20e31.96e56.78e3+1.2e − 1581.97e56.46e3+4.4e − 188
pr1521.76e51.00e41.96e51.12e4+1.6e − 2272.00e51.07e4+3.5e − 290

G1000.2.52.54e28.68e03.01e23.13e1+5.2e − 2483.04e21.15e1+0
G1000.203.95e32.61e14.09e39.47e1+1.0e − 2454.09e33.21e1+0
U1000.053.71e22.20e14.96e28.40e1+9.7e − 2465.18e22.64e1+0
U1000.404.14e32.65e24.99e35.94e2+5.9e − 2205.31e32.23e2+0

CPU: Intel Xeon E5530 2.40 GHz. Average from 1,000 runs.
Avg: average (the smaller, the better); Std: standard deviation.
value: the smaller, the more significant.
+: significantly better under level 1.00e − 02.
: it means that this value is less than 1.0e − 300.