Research Article

[Retracted] Basel III Liquidity Risk Measures and Bank Failure

Table 10

Models A to D estimation results for Class I and II banks.
(a) Model statistics

Model AModel B Model C Model D
LCR and NSFR LIBOR-OISS Liquidity risk
excluded excluded excluded

(2 978, 4 413) (2 978, 4 413) (2 978, 4 413) (2 978, 4 413)
Psuedo (0.642, 0.645) (0.639, 0.635) (0.618, 0.620) (0.610, 0.609)
AIC (172.967, 173.5180) (175.113, 176.073) (183.980, 184.036) (188.973, 189.256)
BIC (184.877, 185.496) (186.347, 186.096) (197.674, 196.0993) (198.086, 199.773)
Log likelihood (−85.379, −85.557) (−87.657, −86.956) (−91.816, −91.433) (−93.886, −94.004)
AUC statistic (0.9823, 0.9821) (0.9832, 0.9829) (0.9807, 0.9809) (0.9842, 0.9839)
HL statistic (19.841, 19.983) (6.464, 6.089) (21.747, 20.947) (24.963, 25.072)
HL value (0.011, 0.011) (0.063, 0.062) (0.007, 0.007) (0.002, 0.002)

(b) Parameter estimates

Model AModel B Model C Model D
LCR and NSFR LIBOR-OISS Liquidity risk
excluded excluded excluded

(−0.0138***, −0.0242***) (0.0023***, 0.0019***) (−0.0230***, −0.0290***) (0.0002, 0.0010)
([0.003], [0.003]) ([0.0011], [0.0013]) ([0.0024], [0.0026]) ([0.0013], [0.0011])
(−0.0918***, −0.0369***) (−0.0888***, −0.0354***) (−0.0900***, −0.0356***) (−0.0834***, −0.0322***)
([0.010], [0.011]) ([0.009], [0.010]) ([0.008], [0.009]) ([0.0007], [0.0007])
(0.0140, 0.0157) (0.0143***, 0.0165***) (0.0131, 0.0127) (0.0134***, 0.0144***)
([0.0112], [0.0111]) ([0.0087], [0.0086]) ([0.0117], [0.0116]) ([0.0097], [0.0096])
(−0.0173, −0.0055) (−0.0218***, −0.0109***) (−0.0121, −0.0026) (−0.0205, −0.0116)
([0.0218], [0.0221]) ([0.0203], [0.0205]) ([0.0216], [0.0219]) ([0.0197], [0.0200])
(−0.0067, −0.0073) (−0.0043, 0.0029) (0.0003, −0.0011) (0.0072, 0.0124)
([0.0039], [0.0034]) ([0.0037], [0.0041]) ([0.0053], [0.0056]) ([0.0055], [0.0066])
(0.0993***, 0.5733***) (0.0884, 0.8119) (0.1199***, 0.6088***) (0.1069***, 0.9680***)
([0.0297], [0.0297]) ([0.0285], [0.0286]) ([0.0274], [0.0273]) ([0.0246], [0.0247])
(−0.1326***, −0.7184***) (−0.1095***, −0.9477***) (−0.1539***, −0.7255***) (−0.1054***, −1.0600***)
([0.0490], [0.0490]) ([0.0648], [0.0649]) ([0.0250], [0.0251]) ([0.0526], [0.0529])
(0.0116***, 0.0185***) (0.0139***, 0.0233***) (0.0103***, 0.0144***) (0.0164***, 0.0210***)
([0.0010], [0.0010]) ([0.0009], [0.0010]) ([0.0009], [0.0009]) ([0.0008], [0.0009])
(0.0013***, 0.0006***) (0.0010***, 0.0002***) (0.0014, 0.0000) (0.0009, −0.0007)
([0.1362], [0.1698]) ([0.1354], [0.1688]) ([0.1535], [0.1914]) ([0.1566], [0.1952])
(0.0001, 0.0005) (0.0002, 0.0006) (−0.0002, 0.0001) (−0.0002, 0.0001)
([0.0006], [0.0004]) ([0.0008], [0.0008]) ([0.0005], [0.0007]) ([0.0007], [0.0006])
(0.0963***, 0.1036***) (−0.1226***, −0.1243***) (−, −) (−, −)
([0.0091], [0.0092]) ([0.0095], [0.0094]) ([−], [−]) ([−], [−])
(0.0024, 0.0015) (−, −) (0.0062, 0.0046) (−, −)
([0.0286], [0.0293]) ([−], [−]) ([0.0250], [0.0266]) ([−], [−])
(0.0155***, 0.0260***) (−, −) (0.0211***, 0.0282***) (−, −)
([0.0007], [0.0007]) ([−], [−]) ([0.0008], [0.0008]) ([−], [−])

and *** indicate statistical significance at the 10% and 1% level, respectively.