Research Article

Prevalence of Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Prader–Willi Syndrome

Table 1

Clinical characteristics of the patients with PWS (n = 20).

CharacteristicsAll patients

Age, years5.83 (2.7–12)
Male/female, n9/11
BMI (kg/m2)25.89 (20.1–36.3)
BMI z-score3.77 (2.7–4.6)
History of snoring, n (%)8 (40%)
History of snoring and apnea, n (%)8 (40%)
History of adenoidectomy, n (%)4 (20.0)
History of tonsillectomy, n (%)2 (10.0)
History of GH therapy, n (%)7 (35.0)

BMI, body mass index; GH, hormone therapy. Numerical variables are expressed as median (IQR) and categorical variables as frequencies and percentages. The table provides descriptive data for the entire population. The bold values represent the median and interquartile range.