Research Article

Characteristics, Management, and Outcomes of Community-Acquired Pneumonia Due to Human Rhinovirus—A Retrospective Study

Table 3

Outcomes of patients.

VariableAll patients
N = 106
ICU admission
N = 16
No ICU admission
N = 90

MV duration (days), median (Q1, Q3)8.00 (5.50, 12.50)8.0 (5.5, 12.5)0-
LOS in ICU (days), median (Q1, Q3)10.0 (5.0, 17.0)10.0 (5.0, 17.0)0-
LOS in hospital (days), median (Q1, Q3)5.0 (3.00, 8.00)16.50 (8.8, 25.5)5.0 (3.0, 7.00)<0.001
Tracheostomy, N (%)1/83 (1.2)1/14 (7.1)0/69 (0)0.03
Hospital mortality, N (%)10 (9.4)6 (37.5)4 (4.4)<0.001

ICU: intensive care unit, LOS: length of stay, MV: mechanical ventilation, Q1: first quartile, and Q3: third quartile.