Case Report

Management of Transplant Renal Artery Pseudoaneurysm and Literature Review

Figure 1

Case 1 imaging, whose blood and urine cultures on admission grew Pseudomonas aeruginosa. (a) Ultrasound on admission demonstrating normal LLQ transplant kidney with patent renal artery and vein without pseudoaneurysm. (b) Noncontrast CT A/P demonstrating slight interval increase in size of hematoma compared to prior imaging. No evidence of active bleeding. (c) CT angiogram demonstrating irregular, actively bleeding pseudoaneurysm arising from the transplant renal artery ~1.2 cm from the anastomosis. (d) Arteriogram demonstrating pseudoaneurysm with active contrast extravasation. A covered stent was placed successfully within the proximal transplant renal artery; however, persistent hemorrhage warranted emergent surgical management.