Case Report

Primary Osteosarcoma of the Breast in a Patient Treated Previously for Invasive Ductal Carcinoma: An Unusual Presentation of a Very Rare Primary Breast Malignancy

Figure 2

(a) Malignant tumour with surrounding breast parenchyma (H&E, ×4). (b) Malignant tumour composed of neoplastic woven bone intimately admixed with pleomorphic tumour cells (H&E, ×10). (c) Neoplastic woven bone exhibiting eosinophilic osteoid along with high pleomorphic tumour cells (H&E, ×10). (d) Pleomorphic tumour cells having vesicular chromatin and conspicuous nucleoli showing both osteoblastic and osteoclastic (giant cell) subtypes (H&E, ×40).