Case Report

Acute Gastric Dilatation Resulting in Gastric Emphysema Following Postpartum Hemorrhage

Table 1

Antenatal history.

Date of booking22/03/2011
LMP, EDD, gestation28/7/10, 4/5/11, 33 wks, and 6 days
Cycle length28, regular
Maternal risk categoryLow risk
AllergiesFlagyl, Chloroquine
Drugs in pregnancyAntimalarial tabs and folic acid
Booking BP, pulse126/76, 74/min
Smoking, alcoholNone
Medical conditionsH/O essential HTN on med for 6 months in 2010, Rec UTIs, gestational diabetes in previous two pregnancies, constipation
Family historySickle cell anemia, DM type 1
Surgical historyAppendicectomy


EDD by LMP4/5/11
EDD by USS4/5/11
BPD87.8 mm
ABD circumf.331.3
Placental siteUpper ant
Wt differential454 gms
Growth centile>90
Fetal cardiac activityPresent
Head circumf.306.7
Femur length77 mm
Fetal wt3113 gms