Case Report

Improvement of Tardive Dyskinesias with Olanzapine

Table 1

Cases of tardive dyskinesia (TD) induced by antipsychotics that were improved by olanzapine.

AuthorNumber of patientsAntipsychotic that induced TDOlanzapine dose (mg/day)ComedicationTime to TD improvement

Almeida [20]OneHaloperidol105 weeks
O’Brien and Barber [21]OneTrifluopérazine, sulpiride, and rispéridone56 months
Raja et al. [22]ThreeCase 1,
Case 2, and
Case 3
Haloperidol decanoate, haloperidol decanoate, and haloperidol20, 10, and 152, 5, and 2 weeks
Haberfellner [23]OneFlupenthixol decanoate154 months
Esel et al. [16]OneZuclopenthixol, haloperidol, and pimozide102 months
Agarwal and Kumar [24]OneRisperidone52 weeks
İpekçi and Birsöz [25]OneRisperidone102 weeks
Lykouras et al. [17]TwoCase 1 and
Case 2
Trifluopérazine and biperiden and haloperidol17.5 and 108 months and
one and half year
Kučerová [26]TwoCase 1 and
Case 2
Conventional antipsychotics and thioridazine and risperidone10 and 1512 days and
2 months
Sacchetti and Valsecchi [18]OneHaloperidol204 weeks
Koch et al. [19]OneHalopéridolNATétrabénazine and tiapride2 weeks

NA, not available.