Case Report

The Discrepancy of ANA and Compartment Bead Patterns Suggestive of a Neuropsychiatry Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (NPSLE)

Figure 2

Results of ANA examination using the cytobead method. (a) Compartment 1 is negative (using tiny beads to detect anti-La/SSB and large beads for CENPB). (b) Compartment 2 is negative (using tiny beads to detect anti-Sm and large beads for RNP Sm). (c) Compartment 3 is positive for tiny beads, which means positive for anti-Ds-DNA (using small beads to detect anti-dsDNA and large beads for Scl-70). (d) Compartment 4 negatives (using tiny beads to detect anti-Ro-60 and large beads for RO-52). Red arrow: reference bead; blue arrow: positive beads.