Case Report

Catatonia Secondary to Sudden Clozapine Withdrawal: A Case with Three Repeated Episodes and a Literature Review

Table 2

Details for 7 cases which were considered at least probable catatonic episodes secondary to clozapine withdrawal.

AuthorsCatatonic symptomsTreatmentOther catatonia episodes

Lee and Robertson [15]Restless, impulsive aggressive, disoriented disturbed sleep, refusal to wear clothing, staring, periodic posturing mannerisms, irrelevant speech, and uncontrollable laughingOral lorazepam 8 mg/day did not work
Clozapine restarted 10 days after catatonia
Symptoms resolved in 3 weeks

Yeh et al. [16]Stupor, mutism, waxy flexibility,
staring, posturing,
negativism, and nil oral intake
Trihexyphenidyl 2–4 mg/day
Clozapine restarted to 175 mg/day within 2 weeks
Catatonia resolved in 7 days
One future

Bastiampillai et al. [17]Urine/feces incontinence,
mutism, mannerisms, stupor,
posturing fever, diaphoresis, and autonomic instability
IM lorazepam unknown dosages
Treated for 48 hours with no response
ECT response started in the 4th session
Major improvement in the 10th session
One past

Thanasan and Jambunathan [18]Tremors in upper limbs,
unresponsive to call or commands,
febrile, flat affect, mute, and
cogwheel and general rigidity
Bromocriptine from 2.5 to 15 mg/day (33 days)
Oral diazepam for 6 days
Improvement by day 12

Wadekar and Syed [19]Fixed gaze, minimal withdrawal from pain, and Bush-Francis scale score 6/14Lorazepam 1 mg IV with brief improvement
Lorazepam 3 mg/day on days 1 and 2
Restarted on clozapine 25 mg/day on day 2
On 200 mg/day of clozapine by day 5
Rapid improvement on day 4

Kumar et al. [20]Nil oral intake, quiet, mutism, posturing, and waxy flexibilityLorazepam for 2 days
ECT started on day 3 and improvement after 4 ECTs
Discharged on risperidone 4 mg/day

Wang et al. [21]Excitement, mutism, posturing, staring, negativism, and echolalia2Inpatient admission with clozapine reinstitutionFour on clozapine withdrawal and five on lorazepam withdrawal3

ECT: electroconvulsive therapy; IM: intramuscular; IV: intravenous.
Other catatonic episodes after clozapine withdrawal in the past or the future.
On four previous occasions in the immediate period following clozapine cessation, the patient developed florid psychotic symptoms in the form of persecutory, grandiose delusions, disorganized behavior, and auditory hallucinations. She displayed catatonic features (Bush-Francis scale of 20 indicating severe catatonia).
The patient initially had 4 episodes of catatonia after clozapine withdrawal. Then, she had 5 episodes of catatonia after lorazepam withdrawal, which were the focus of the article.