Case Report

A Rare Case of Clavicle Osteomyelitis in a Child and Literature Review

Table 1

Cases of acute clavicle osteomyelitis.

NumberFirst author/Publication yearAgeGenderSymptoms & signsSideIsolateTreatmentOutcome

1Morrey/19772 wksMPainful swellingRightHemolytic StreptococcusIV penicillin 300,000 U × 210 days initially and then (due to abscess) IV penicillin 300,000 U × 6 for 2.5 weeksAbscesses of right clavicle were incised and drained. IV penicillin 300,000 U × 6 for 2.5 wks, during which the patient became asymptomatic. 16 yrs later no recurrence
2Morrey/197716 yrsMPain and swellingRightS. aureusParenteral penicillin 500 mg × 4 for 17 d (due to drainage from the wound) Erythromycin (orally) 500 mg × 4 for 2 wksOne month after the abscess was drained, the patient was referred because of persistent drainage from the wound
The patient was placed on erythromycin and the wound ceased draining during 2 weeks
No recurrence after 9 yrs
3Donovan/198212 yrsFPain, swellingLeftNo growth8-weak antibioticsNR
4Donovan/198210 yrsFPainLeftNot culturedAntibioticsRecurrence after an interval of over a year, then antibiotics
5Donovan/19829 yrsFPainLeftNo growth3-month antibioticsThe swelling persisted after 6 months; radiographs revealed further expansion with a well-organised periosteal reaction; final diagnosis was acute to chronic osteomyelitis; following curettage, the localised swelling at the medial end of the clavicle has subsided-disease-free
6Franklin/198715 yrsMPainLeftNREmpiric antibiotic therapyNR
7Franklin/19873 yrsFPainLeftNREmpiric antibiotic therapyNR
8Franklin/19879 yrsFPainRightNREmpiric antibiotic therapyNR
9Franklin/19879 yrsFPainRightNREmpiric antibiotic therapyNR
10Gerscovich/19947 yrsF2-month pain & feverRightS. aureusNRNR
11Gerscovich/199411 yrsF2-weak pain & feverRightS. aureusNRNR
12Gerscovich/199413 yrsF6-weak painRightNo growthNRNR
13Gerscovich/199416 yrsM3-weak pain & feverLeftNot culturedNRNR
14Lowden/19977 yrsM4-day painRightS. aureus3-weak IV antibiotics + 3-weak oral antibiotics6 weak after discharge pathologic fracture of right clavicle; 5 months after initial presentation, resorption of segment of clavicle
15Lowden/19978 yrsMPain & feverLeftS. aureus3-weak IV flucloxacillin + 4-weak oral flucloxacillinNo recurrence at 1 year
16Our case12 yrsMPain, feverRightS. aureus3-day IV vancomycin & cefotaxime
3-weak IV clindamycin & 3-weak oral clindamycin
No recurrence

NR: not reported
Only 2 of 16 cases of acute and chronic osteomyelitis reported had positive cultures
Surgery was required in 2 of 16 cases of osteomyelitis. Otherwise, outcome is favourable.