Case Report

Lacrimal Drainage System and Nasal Cavity Melanoma after Complete Treatment of Conjunctival Melanoma

Figure 2

Representative photomicrographs of the presented case with conjunctival melanoma in the context of primary acquired melanosis with atypia (PAM). (a) The nodular proliferation of partially pigmented atypical melanocytes within the conjunctival stroma (N). (b) Nests of intraepithelial atypical melanocytes are highlighted (arrows), and scattered balloon cell transformations are also present. (c) Atypical melanocytes with severe nuclear pleomorphism (asterisk) and a few mitoses (arrows). (d) The presence of nests of atypical melanocytes in the limbal epithelium (arrow). (e (arrows), f) Scattered nests of atypical melanocytes are also present in the surrounding conjunctival epithelium, confirming the diagnosis of PAM.