Case Report

A Case of Undifferentiated Carcinoma in a 2-Month Postpartum Reproductive Tract with a Rapid and Fulminant Course

Figure 4

(a) FDG-PET/CT images of the whole body. Abnormal uptake of FDG was observed through the whole body, although it was strongest in the reproductive tract. (b) Axial FDG-PET/CT images of the uterine body. Urine (arrow) obscured FDG accumulation in the reproductive tract, whereas the uterus and the left ovary showed clear uptake of FDG. (c) Axial image of the ischial tuberosities and the vulva. (d) Coronal image of the uterus and the vagina. Excreted FDG into the bladder (arrow) was overlaid on the uptake in the reproductive tract.