Case Report

A Rare Disease Presenting Postpartum: Acute Fatty Liver of Pregnancy

Table 1

Swansea criteria for AFLP.

Clinical symptoms
(i) Nausea and vomiting
(ii) Abdominal pain
(iii) Encephalopathy
(iv) Polydipsia or polyuria
Laboratory findings
(i) Bilirubin greater than 0.8 mg/dL
(ii) Glucose less than 72 mg/dL
(iii) WBC greater than 11 000/microliter
(iv) AST or ALT greater than 42 units/L
(v) AKI or creatinine greater than 1.7 mg/dL
(vi) Ammonia greater than 47 micromoles/L
(vii) Coagulopathy or PT greater than 14 s
(viii) Urea greater than 340 micromoles/L
Ultrasonographic features
(i) Ascites
(ii) Echogenic liver
Histologic features
(i) Microvesicular steatosis

Source: Nelson et al. [14].