Case Report

Generalized Extension of Referred Trigeminal Pain due to Greater Occipital Nerve Entrapment

Figure 1

Schematic drawing showing the distribution of characteristics of chronic pain. (a) The grey areas over bilateral periorbital, gums, malar, mental, and submental area indicate the distribution of pain that occurred 4 years ago. The nature of pain was throbbing and tightening, which lasted all day. (b) The location (gray areas) of temporal-occipital and parietal pain concurrent with facial and submental pain. It has also spread to the nape of the neck and shoulders. When the pain was severe, it was accompanied by a stabbing pain in the bilateral ear canal (black circles). (c) The location of spontaneous paresthesia in the right medial forearm and hand that occurred one year after onset of facial and occipital pain. Subsequently, spontaneous pain and numbness extended to the lower back and both legs.