Case Report

Diffuse Cerebral Edema and Impending Herniation Complicating Hepatic Encephalopathy in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia

Table 1

Curaçao Criteria for clinical diagnosis of HHT.


EpistaxisSpontaneous and recurrent
TelangiectasiasMultiple, at characteristic sites: lips, oral cavity, fingers, nose
Visceral lesionsGastrointestinal telangiectasia, pulmonary, hepatic, cerebral, or spinal arteriovenous malformations
Family historyA first-degree relative with HHT according to these criteria

Presence of ≥3 criteria is “definitive for diagnosis” of HHT, 2 criteria is “possible or suspected” HHT, and 0 or 1 criteria is “unlikely” to be HHT. HHT: hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia.