Case Report

Herpes Zoster Infection Presenting as Aseptic Meningitis and Dermatomal Rash in Immunocompetent Adult

Table 1

Baseline investigation reports of the patient.

Laboratory parametersValueReference range

Haemoglobin (gm/dl)16.911–16
Haemotocrit (%)52.736–48
TLC (cell/mm3)54004000–11000
Platelet (cell/mm3)240000150000–400000
RBS (mg/dl)105<140
HIV antibodyNegative
CSF analysis
TLC (cell/mm3)150<10
Neutrophil (%)35
Lymphocyte (%)65
RBC (cell/mm3)130
Glucose (mg/dl)6340–65
Protein (mg/dl)1615–45
ADA (U/litre)5<7.0

TLC: total leucocyte count; RBS: random blood sugar; mg/dl: milligram deciliter; HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; RBC- red blood cell; ADA: adenosine deaminase.