Case Report

Delivery of Euthyroid Baby following Hyperthyroidism in Twin Gestation with Coexisting Complete Hydatidiform Mole

Table 2

TSH, free T4, and hCG trends during and postpregnancy.

Laboratory StudiesTSH (range = 0.4–4.2 μIU/mL)Free T4 (range = 0.8–1.7 ng/dL)Methimazole dose (mg/day)hCG, total beta (range <5 mIU/mL)

Weeks of gestation
13th week0.014.45480, 579
15th week0.012.630746, 811
17th week0.011.415771, 692
18th week1.210706, 583
20th week1.25655, 027
22nd week1.32.5357, 387
24th week0.021.32.5415, 666

0.5th week0.450.815, 942
2nd week585
4th week430
8th week119
13th week13
17th week3
21st week<1