Case Report

A Guttate Psoriasis That Tends to Spare Three Tattoos: A Macrophage Liaison

Table 1

Effect of tattoo on psoriasis lesions centered Voronoi patches.

Skin siteCV1Mean size (SD)2t-testFigure 3
Vout4Vin5 value6

Tattoo-free0.4613416 (6244)N/A7N/A1
Tattoo #10.6012878 (4791)28972 (12205)<0.0012
Tattoo #21.2315504 (8658)6680000 (58326)<0.0013
Tattoo #30.7312173 (9700)25902 (14564)<0.0013

1CV, coefficient of variation of the sizes of the Voronoi patches. 2Mean size of Voronoi polygons (SD, standard deviation). 3Figure number in text, where the corresponding skin site is displayed. 4Vout, Voronoi patches not crossing tattoo contours. 5Vin, Voronoi patches that intersect with tattoo. 6P value for the comparison Vout vs. Vin (two-sample t-test). 7N/A, not applicable.