Case Report

Oral Manifestations of Crohn’s Disease: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Table 1

Oral manifestations of Crohn’s disease.


Persistent mucosal swellingLips, buccal mucosaLabial enlargement, firm to palpation, typically painless
Cobblestoning of mucosaBuccal mucosa, vestibuleMucosal edema with or without fissuring
MucogingivitisAttached gingiva, alveolar mucosaPatchy erythematous macules or plaques with or without hyperplasia
Linear ulcerationsVestibule, buccal mucosa, tongue, palateDeep ulcerations with or without hyperplastic margins
Mucosal tags or polypsBuccal mucosa, vestibuleHyperplasia of mucosa, firm or boggy to palpation

Adapted from Kalmar [31].