Case Report

Myogenic Disease and Metabolic Acidosis: Consider Multiple Acyl-Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase Deficiency

Table 2

Description of the different phenotypes of DMAD.

PhenotypeAge of onsetMain clinical manifestationsLaboratory abnormalities

INeonatalCongenital malformations such as facial dysmorphism, brain malformation, renal dysplasia, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia, and hepatomegalyNon-ketotic hypoglycemia
Fatal outcome in a few days
Severe metabolic acidosis

IINeonatalNo congenital malformationsHypoketotic hypoglycemia
Cardiomyopathy and arrhythmiaModerate metabolic acidosis
Fatal outcome in a few weeks without treatment

IIIChildhood or adulthoodMyalgia, muscle weakness, fatigability
Chronic respiratory failure due to restrictive lung disease
Peripheral neuropathy

Acute decompensation (metabolic crisis)Worsening of chronic muscle symptomsMetabolic acidosis
VomitingHypoketotic hypoglycemia
Acute respiratory failureRhabdomyolysis
Acute liver failureHepatic cytolysis
Can occur regardless of the phenotype and age of the patient
Life-threatening prognosis in the absence of appropriate treatment