Research Article

Hybrid Human and Machine Learning Algorithms to Forecast the European Stock Market

Table 4

Community membership of the network of classifiers based on the top 5% of common news topics for 3 hours return according to Clauset et al. [86]. NB, RF, LR, SVM, and EW are naïve Bayes, random forests, logistic regression, support vector machine, and expert weighting algorithm, respectively. MCC is the community average of the Matthews correlation coefficient. Modularity = 0.08.

I.D.ComponentsMCCRanking of main topics by categories

1NB, CART, RF, AdaBoost0.07(1) Geopolitical unit, (2) Events (results forecasts)
2Expert, trained, LR, SVM0.09(1) Events (results forecasts, mergers, and acquisitions), (2) Geopolitical unit
3EW, EWh, EWa, best crowd0.12(1) Geopolitical unit, (2) Business sectors