Research Article

Linkboost: A Link Prediction Algorithm to Solve the Problem of Network Vulnerability in Cases Involving Incomplete Information

Algorithm 1

Process flow of the Linkboost link prediction algorithm.
Input: Network missing adjacency matrix
Output: Final strong hypothesis , connection score , nonconnection score .
(1)Extract features and tag, , , . Here is the feature of the network node pair, is the label of the node pair, indicating whether there is an edge exists. , .
(2)Initialize the weight distribution of the training data. , where , if ; , if .
(3)For in T iterations
(4)  Resample according to
(5)  Find , where.
(6)  If
(7)   Continue
(8)  else
(9)  save , calculate ,
(10)  update and
(11)   If , ;
(12)   If ,
(13)  End If
(14)End For
(15)Predict connection of the network using , obtain and