Research Article

Analyzing the Relationship between Cohort and Case-Control Study Results Based on Model for Multiple Pathogenic Factors

Table 1

Frequency distribution of individuals in each group for a cross-sectional outcome.

GroupDisease (case)Nondisease (control)RiskOdds

Exposed (factor)abPe = a/(a + b)Pe/(1 − Pe) = a/b
Nonexposed (control)cdPn = c/(c + d)Pn/(1 − Pn) = c/d
Totala + cb + dm = (a + c)/(a + b + c + d)m/(1 − m) = (a + c)/(b + d)
Obs. frequenciesPd = a/(a + c)Pc = b/(b + d)

a, b, c, and d: frequency of individuals in each group; Pd and Pc: frequency of individuals with the related factor in the disease group and that in the nondisease group; Pe and Pn: incidence of the exposed group and that of the nonexposed group; m: incidence of a disease in the total population.