Research Article

Histogram Analysis and Visual Heterogeneity of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging with Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Mapping in the Prediction of Molecular Subtypes of Invasive Breast Cancers

Table 3

Visual classification of molecular subtypes of breast cancer into low and high heterogeneity on diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) by the two readers.

Molecular subtypesReader 1Reader 2
Low heterogeneityHigh heterogeneityLow heterogeneityHigh heterogeneity

Luminal A24 (49.0%)25 (51.0%)23 (46.9%)26 (53.1%)
Luminal B4 (50%)4 (50%)3 (37.5%)5 (62.5%)
HER2-enriched5 (45.5%)6 (54.5%)4 (36.4%)7 (63.6%)
Triple negative7 (30.4%)16 (69.6%)10 (43.5%)13 (56.5%)

HER2: human epidermal growth factor receptor 2.