Research Article

Phylogenetic Aspects of Antibiotic Resistance and Biofilm Formation of P. aeruginosa Isolated from Clinical Samples

Table 2

Antibiotic susceptibility patterns of P. aeruginosa isolates recovered from clinical specimens.

SpecimenCPR(%)IPMR(%)GMR(%)ANR(%)CAZR(%)CROR(%)FEPR(%)MDR (N/%)Specimen number (%)

Urine66333735 (8.48)21 (35.6)
Skin11000200 (0)4 (6.8)
Sputum66000602 (3.38)15 (25.42)
Body fluid11000100 (0)3 (5.08)
Blood34112212 (3.38)6 (10.16)
Wound89656967 (11.86)10 (16.94)
Total25 (42.37)27 (45.76)10 (16.94)9 (15.25)11 (18.64)27 (45.76)10 (16.94)16 (27.11)59 (100)

CP: ciprofloxacin, IPM: imipenem, GM: gentamicin, AN: amikacin, CAZ: ceftazidime, CRO: ceftriaxone, FEP: cefepime, and S/R: sensitive/resistance.