Research Article

Clinical Performance of Rapid Antigen Tests for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in the Emergency Department and Community: A Retrospective Study

Table 2

Characteristics and antigen result of patients in the ED.

Positive (n = 38)Negative (n = 696)

Age64 (IQR: 55–72)64 (IQR: 50–74)
 Male22 (57.9%)410 (58.9%)
 Female16 (42.1%)286 (41.1%)
Vital signs at triage
 BT (degree Celsius)36.7 (IQR: 36.4–37.1)36.6 (IQR: 36.2–37.2)
 RR (breaths per minute)20 (IQR: 18–20)20 (IQR: 18–20)
 SPO2 (%)96 (IQR: 93–97)98 (IQR: 96–98)
Symptomatic37 (97.4%)572 (82.2%)
 Fever/Chills26 (68.4%)207 (29.7%)
 Cough23 (60.5%)89 (12.8%)
 SOB18 (47.4%)107 (15.4%)
 Chest pain/tightness3 (7.9%)58 (8.3%)
 Headache/Dizziness4 (10.5%)55 (7.9%)
 Fatigue6 (15.8%)69 (9.9%)
 Loss of taste or smell2 (5.3%)2 (0.3%)
 Sore throat7 (18.4%)22 (3.2%)
 Diarrhea6 (15.8%)31 (4.5%)
 Muscle aches6 (15.8%)12 (1.7%)
 Abdominal pain1 (2.6%)127 (18.2%)
 Other symptoms9 (23.7%)166 (23.9%)
Asymptomatic1 (2.6%)124 (17.8%)
Time from onset to laboratory test (days)
 <7 days27 (71.1%)448 (64.4%)
 ≥7 days8 (21.1%)58 (8.3%)
 Unknown2 (5.3%)66 (9.5%)
Antigen result
 Antigen positive14 (36.8%)1 (0.2%)
 Antigen negative24 (63.2%)695 (99.8%)

Other symptoms included vomiting, poor appetites and drowsy consciousness. RT-PCR, reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction; ED, emergency department; IQR, interquartile range; BT, body temperature; RR, respiratory rate; SpO2, oxygen saturation; SOB, shortness of breath.