Research Article

The Impact of Age and Pathogens Type on the Gut Microbiota in Infants with Diarrhea in Dalian, China

Figure 5

The gut microbiota of healthy infants and infants with diarrhea of different ages. (a). The comparison of the alpha diversity (ACE index) of various ages based on the OTUs profiles. (b). The NMDS of beta diversity is calculated on ranking order. The relative abundance of the top 10 microbiota at the phylum (c), order (d), and genus level (e). Control-1: 0–120-day-old healthy infants; control-2: 120–180-day-old healthy infants; diarrhea-1: 0–120-day-old diarrheic infants; diarrhea-2: 120–180-day-old diarrheic infants; diarrhea-3: 180–270-day-old diarrheic infants; diarrhea-4: 270–360-day-old diarrheic infants.