Research Article

Prevalence and Factors Associated with Impairment in Intrinsic Capacity among Community-Dwelling Older Adults: An Observational Study from South India

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the study population (n = 1000).

VariableN (1000)Intrinsic capacity score (out of 10) value

Age (median (IQR))
  <75 years7875 (4-5)0.011
  ≥75 years2135 (4-5)
  Male3715 (4-5)0.231
  Female6295 (4-5)
Socioeconomic status
 Upper2055 (4-5)0.060
 Upper middle4085 (4-5)
 Lower middle2345 (4-5)
 Upper lower885 (4-5)
Marital status
 Married9635 (4-5)0.144
 Widow/widower43.5 (3–4.5)
 Unmarried335 (4-5)
Substance use
 Smoking305 (4-5)0.985
 Alcohol594 (4-5)0.129
 Impaired1794 (4-5)<0.001
 Intact8215 (4-5)
BMI category (kg/m2)
 <18.5374 (3-4)<0.001
 18.5–22.92565 (4-5)
 23–24.92065 (4-5)
 25–29.93405 (4-5)
 >301435 (4-5)
Geriatric syndromes
  Yes625 (4-5)0.525
  No9195 (4-5)
 Urinary incontinence
  Yes795 (4-5)0.766
  No9085 (4-5)
  Yes345 (4-5)0.170
  No9525 (4-5)
  Yes465 (4–6)0.064
  No9375 (4-5)
  Yes1645 (4-5)0.071
  No8355 (4-5)
  Yes2935 (4-5)0.178
  No7065 (4-5)
  Yes1685 (4-5)0.612
  No8315 (4-5)
 Chronic respiratory illness
  Yes935 (4-5)0.393
  No9065 (4-5)
  Yes415 (4-5)0.689
  No9585 (4-5)
 Chronic neurologic illness
  Yes434 (3–5)0.002
  No9555 (4-5)

BMI: post-hoc analysis: significant different between <18.5 and 18.5–22.9 BMI (), <18.5 and 23-24.9 (), and <18.5 and 25-29.9 (). BMI: body mass index, ADL: activity of daily living, and CVD: cardiovascular disease.