Research Article

Impacts of Denture Retention and Stability on Oral Health-Related Quality of Life, General Health, and Happiness in Elderly Thais

Table 1

Characteristics of the participants and their complete dentures (N = 130).

CharacteristicsDistribution, n (%)

Patient related factors
 (1) Age (≥ 70 years)75 (57.7)
 (2) Sex (Female)73 (56.2)
 (3) Presence of complete denture experience54 (41.5)
Denture related factors
 (1) Unacceptable denture quality: Maxillary denture18 (13.8)
Mandibular denture64 (49.2)
 (2) Esthetic related criteria:
Nonparalleled interpupillary line and incisal edge of maxillary central incisor26 (20.0)
Noncoincidence facial and dental midlines26 (20.0)
Mismatched proportion; maxillary central incisor: bizygomatic42 (32.3)
maxillary anterior teeth: bizygomatic116 (89.2)
maxillary central incisor: lateral incisor: canine130 (100.0)
 (3) Denture age (>4 years)42 (32.3)