Review Article

The Benefit of Pets and Animal-Assisted Therapy to the Health of Older Individuals

Table 1

Studies on use of animals in dementia.

StudyType of study Summary of results

Kongable et al. [7]Case series/observational12Demented subjects had more social behaviors in presence of animal

Richeson [8]Case series/observational15Animal therapy reduced amount of behavioral disturbance

Moretti et al. [9]Controlled, unblinded, prospective 21No difference between control and intervention, both had improved MMSE and lower GDS scores

Sellers [10] Case series/observational4Subjects had less agitation and more social behavior with pet present

Edwards and Beck [11]Case-control/prospective62Subjects exposed to a fish tank had greater weight gain ()

Bernstein et al. [12]Self-controlled, prospective, observational33Longer conversations in subjects with animals present

Fick [13]Self-controlled, prospective, observational36More social behavior when animals present

Tamura et al. [14]Controlled, unblinded, prospective, observational13Social response similar to real or toy dog