Clinical Study

Evaluation of the Safety of Percutaneous Dilational Tracheostomy Compared with Surgical Tracheostomy in the Intensive Care Unit

Table 3

Secondary outcomes.

PDT group (n = 52)ST group (n = 49) value

Length of ICU stay (days)14 (10–15)12 (9–15)0.42
Time to tracheostomy from intubation (days)7.5 (6–11)7.0 (5–10)0.22
Duration of mechanical ventilation posttracheostomy (days)20.5 (7–39)7 (3–22)0.005
Mechanical ventilation at 28 POD, N (%)21 (40.4)12 (24.5)0.14
Survival at 28 POD, N (%)46 (88.4)46 (93.9)0.55

POD: postoperative days.