Research Article

Electrospun Nanofibers Loaded with Quercetin Promote the Recovery of Focal Entrapment Neuropathy in a Rat Model of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes

Table 3

The effect of the zein-based polymeric nanofibers loaded with quercetin on the oxidative stress status of the lesioned nerve in diabetic rats (/group). , , and , respectively, compared to DM + crush injury and no treatment. , , and , respectively, compared to DM + crush injury + zein-based nanofiber.

Group MDA levelSOD activityCAT activityGPx activity
(nmol/minâ‹…g. protein)(u/mg. protein)(u/mg. protein)(u/mg. protein)

DM + crush injury + no treatment
DM + crush injury + zein-based nanofibers
DM + crush injury + 5% quercetin
DM + crush injury + 10% quercetin
DM + crush injury + 15% quercetin