Research Article

Delphinidin-Rich Maqui Berry Extract (Delphinol®) Lowers Fasting and Postprandial Glycemia and Insulinemia in Prediabetic Individuals during Oral Glucose Tolerance Tests

Table 1

Statistical evaluation of acute dose effects related to Delphinol intake on fasting glucose and insulin in 36 subjects, prior to OGTT. Each basal value was obtained at different days in the morning, with subjects fasting overnight and in the morning, 60 min after intake of respective single Delphinol doses. Dose zero was the diagnostic test in which no Delphinol was administered (baseline).

Delphinol dose (mg)Basal glucose (mg/dL)Dunnett HSU comparison
60 min after Delphinol intake
Mean value and adjusted SE

Dose (mg)Difference of least squares meansAdjusted

091.67; 1.37
6088.94; 1.370 versus 602.720.037
12088.53; 1.370 versus 1203.140.034
18088.06; 1.370 versus 1803.610.04


Delphinol dose (mg)Basal insulin (μIU/mL)Dunnett HSU comparison
60 min after Delphinol intake
Mean value and adjusted SE

Dose (mg)Difference of least squares meansAdjusted

015.46; 1.15
6013.78; 1.150 versus 601.680.072
12013.79; 1.150 versus 1201.660.079
18012.05; 1.150 versus 1803.4<0.001