Research Article

On the Estimation of Heritability with Family-Based and Population-Based Samples

Figure 1

Heritability estimates for various levels of genetic correlation with 10,000 individuals when was set at 0.5 and all causal variants were generated from . We generated 5,000 pairs of individuals with 100,000 SNPs, and each box-plot was generated with results from 200 replicates. The dashed horizontal line indicates the proportion of the total phenotypic variance explained by the SNPs used for calculating the GRM, and the estimates of heritability with GCTA are plotted against the correlation between family members. In (a), 100 causal SNPs were used to estimate the GRM, and in (b), 50 randomly selected causal SNPs were used. The horizontal dotted line indicates the relative proportion of variance explained by the SNPs.