Research Article

Platelet Concentration in Platelet-Rich Plasma Affects Tenocyte Behavior In Vitro

Figure 5

Gelatinases assay. Gelatin zymography showing the effects of different platelet-gel-released supernatant concentrations on gelatinases (MMP-2 and MMP-9) production. The figure was cropped removing upper and lower parts of gel, which contained no bands. Lane 1: positive control (cells grown in complete medium). Lane 2: negative control (cells grown in medium + 1% FBS). Lane 3: cells treated with 0.5 × 106 plt/μL. Lane 4: cells treated with 1 × 106 plt/μL. Lane 5: cells treated with 2 × 106 plt/μL. Lane 6: cells treated with 3 × 106 plt/μL. The table shows the densitometric values expressed as % volume of pro-MMP-9 and pro-MMP-2. For the pro-MMP-9 densitometric analysis the band of cells that were treated with 0.5 × 106 plt/μL was set at 100%, and for the pro-MMP-2 densitometric analysis the band of untreated cell (negative control) was set at 100%.